School Info

We are committed to providing a variety of learning opportunities, that focus on progress and achievement, for the students of Ōwairaka District School. We strive to support learners in multiple ways to best meet their needs and strengths. We value working alongside our families and people in our community. 

Please contact the school if you have any questions, concerns or would like to share some good news.  We are happy to make a time to meet and chat. 

Phone: (09) 846 5091


Ōwairaka Before School Care 

Before School Care is run by the school, Monday - Friday 7.00am - 8.30am.  To enrol or find out more, please email:

Kelly Club Information.pdf

School App

The School App is a great way to check dates and stay updated through our app alerts.  It is free to get and use on your phone!

Go to the App Store on your Apple or Android device and search SchoolAppsNZ to download the app to your device.  Then search: Ōwairaka District School.  Next, go to the menu (top left) and click on Alert Subscriptions, here you can subscribe to the groups you would like to receive alerts from.  All users receive the school wide alerts we send out. 

You can also stay up-to-date by checking out our Facebook page.  

Principal’s Annual Report - 2023 

Annual Financial Report - 2023